Restaurant Marketing Services - Loyalty, Gift Card, & Social Media 


Loyalty marketing is a constant evolution and it’s becoming more important to constantly engage and interact with your customers in real-time. Having the right technology to manage your marketing programs helps you grow revenue by attracting new customers and driving repeat business.

Our loyalty, gift card, social media, customer feedback and referral applications enable restaurant marketing and operations teams to create targeted campaigns that drive personalized interactions vs. blasts of information. Benefits include:

Drive revenue and build customer loyalty

Our stored value and loyalty marketing programs can help you build consistent and predictable revenue streams. NCR solutions reduce administrative and marketing time and costs to deliver more to your top line. Allow card holders to easily add value to existing cards, go online to check balances and reward options, get information on promotions, and obtain refunds.

Gain customer feedback and increase your marketing channels

Monitor customer satisfaction, deal with any dissatisfaction immediately and turn happy customers into brand ambassadors using social media channels, including Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Restaurant Customer Loyalty

Utilize customer intelligence

Use analytics from our marketing services to drill down into customer preferences and behaviors, leveraging insights for new campaigns.

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